The old ways are less effective in today's environment. The behavioral health care market needs new strategies that coordinate and combine the best of traditional utilization management approaches with innovative, emerging solutions.
Magellan Behavioral Care Management does just that.
Designed to promote our members' behavioral health and wellness while containing costs for our customers, our proactive approach treats the whole person, fully integrating for the first time care for both the mind and body.
Key features of our program include:
- Collaborating with medical insurers to coordinate and integrate behavioral health care with medical care
- Coordinating access to a full continuum of mental health and chemical dependency services, with care delivered in the most clinically appropriate, least restrictive settings
- Managing provider practice patterns to monitor quality and reduce administrative costs
Our program goals include:
- Controlling costs and maintaining quality by reducing unnecessary or inappropriate behavioral health care through evidence-based medical necessity determinations.
- Improving medical integration at all levels of the behavioral health care treatment experience.
- Identifying members at risk for behavioral problems due to corresponding medical conditions, illnesses and/or family members demonstrating similar behavioral health problems.
- Supporting customers' accreditation efforts and improving their scores (URAC).