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Business Focus:
Consulting Firms/Services
Company Description:

Company Contacts:
Media Contact(s)
Suzanne Collier
[Suzanne Collier Public Relations]
Patty Gibbs
[Principal - Patty Gibbs & Company PR]
Chris McGurn
[Principal - McGurn Strategic Communications]
Crystal Fuller
[VP of Communications - XK3]
Audrey Honig Geragosian
[Freelance Communications]

Company Officials:
Michael Ackerman
Tom Bartlett
[Executive Chairman & Founder - 3Won, LLC]
Christine Bechtel
[CEO - Bechtel Health Advisory Group]
Steve J. Brown
[Co-founder & CEO of 3banana, mobile]
Brett Carlson
[Founder & CEO - Eir Partners]
Audrey Chambers-Robinson
[CEO - Inomal Healthcare Concepts, LLC]
Eric Dahlem
[CEO - Dahlem & Associates LLC]
Michelle Davidson
[CEO - Thunder Marketing and Public Relations]
Yvette Fontenot
[CEO - Impact Health Policy Partners]
Edward J. Fotsch MD
[Founder and Chief Executive Officer - Gemini Health]
Tom Futch
[Founder and CEO - Inov8 Health]
John C. Goodman PhD
[President & Founder - Goodman Institute]
Shaun Jones
[President/Founder - HopSync Affiliated Systems]
Jim Keller
[President & CEO - JDK Consulting, LLC]
Stuart Lackey
[CEO - Solaster]
Anne Llewellyn RN-BC, MS, BHSA, CCM, CRRN
[Principal - Nurse Advocate]
Jeremy Longhurst
[CEO - BroadWater]
John Murray
[Partner - Monument Advocacy]
Paddy Padmanabhan
[Founder & CEO - Damo Consulting, Inc]
Kevin Pereau
[CEO - TranscendIT Health]
Subbu Ramalingam
[CEO - ViVega Business Services]
Recca Terral
[Chief Executive Officer - Terral Consulting]
Janet Tewhill MHA
[CEO - Spectrum Coordinated Care]
David St. Clair
[Executive Chairman - Sanosil International, LLC]
Jules Abraham
[Founder/Principal - JQA Partners, LLC]
Poonam Alaigh MD, MSHCPM, FACP
[Former President - Alaigh Care Associates LLC]
David Ayer
[Principal - Elkordy Global Strategies]
Gary Beatty
[President - EC Integrity, Inc.]
Patty Benjamin
[Founder - B2 Healthcare Solutions]
Jan Berger MD, MJ
[President - Health Intelligence Partners]
Elizabeth Bierbower
[Strategic Advisor, Thought Leader, Author, Public Speaker]
Bryan Birch
[Consultant - Trxon]
Kim Busenbark
[CEO - Willems Resource Group]
Bill Bysinger PhD, MBA
[Principal - WGB Advisory Group]
David Chou
[Principal -]
Andrew Clayton
[President - Pareto Captive Services]
Christopher E. Condeluci Esq.
[Principal - CC Law & Policy]
Christina Corwin MPH, MBA
[Principal - Corwin & Associates]
Cris Cristea
[President at Cristol Enterprises, LLC]
Julia Croly CPC, CPC-P, CPC-I
[Consultant - Croly and Associates Consulting]
Lynne Crowley Benton MHA
[President - Next Generation Health]
Rick Curran
[President - RBJC Enterprises, LLC]
Darnell Dent
[Principal - Dent Advisory Services]
Sue Dess
[Principal - Crestline Advisors]
Nanette DeTurk
[Principal of Black Powder Advisors]
David Devereaux
Eve Dryer
[Principal - Eve Dryer Healthcare Consulting]
Gary Earl
[Principal - Gary Earl Health, LLC]
Gene Endicott
[Public Relations and Communications Consultant]
Brent Feorene
[President - Colonnade Healthcare Solutions]
Debbie Fields
[Principal - Advance Healthcare Consulting]
David Florman
[Partner - Florman Tannen, LLC and DFI Consulting, Ltd.]
C.J. Fulton MD
[Blogger -]
Jeffrey L. Gabardi
Randy Gardner
[Founder and Managing Member - Chronic Care Metrix, LLC]
Patrick Gauthier
[Former Co-Founder - Kapalign Business Process Consulting]
Patty Gibbs
[Principal - Patty Gibbs & Company PR]
Frederic S. Goldstein
[President and Founder - Accountable Health, LLC]
Webster Golinkin
Gary Goltz
[Principal - Goltz Healthcare Sales Strategies]
Paul E. Hacker
[President & CEO - Claim Cost Controls]
Mel Halkyard
[Principal - Halkyard Consulting, LLC]
Kimberly Harding
[President - Monarch Innovation Partners]
Brenna Harrington
[Principal - Harrington Consulting]
Edward J. Hartzell
[Principal - The MG International Group, LLC]
Robert Hoover
[Principal - Hoover HIT Consulting]
Bren Hopkins
[Founder - Healthcare Disruptors]
Jerry E. Hudson
[CHSG, LLC - Principal and Managing Partner]
Angela D. Jenkins
[Principal - Angela Jenkins & Associates]
Paul H. Keckley PhD
[Principal - The Keckley Report]
Patty Keiler
[Founder - Collaborate Health]
Karen Kennedy
[Principal - KK Health Consulting | FC2 Health]
Kristen Kinsey
[Managing Director - Piedmont Group]
Bob Kocher MD
[Partner at Venrock]
Jacqueline Kosecoff PhD
[Managing Partner - Moriah Partners, LLC]
Jacqueline Lampert
[Principal - Lake Street Strategies]
Michael Leonard
[Principal - Safe & Reliable Healthcare]
Michael W. Levin
[Connectivity Advisors]
Ingrid Lindberg
[Co-Founder - Sobrynth]
Jason Lippman
[Principal - Jason Lippman Solutions, LLC]
Julie Loftus Trudell
[Managing Director - Rivel]
William Lucia FLMI
[Executive Director - Bill Lucia Associates, LLC]
Matt McCann
[Principal - McCann Insurance Services]
Chris McGurn
[Principal - McGurn Strategic Communications]
Dwight McNeill
[President - Waypoint Health Analytics]
Kyle Meadors
[President - Chart Lux Consulting]
David Medlock
[Managing Director - Decipher Solutions, LLC]
Sean A. O'Rourke
[President - Consilient Solutions LLC]
Lisa Packer
[Founding Principal - Root Strategies]
Dave Pavlik
[Partner - BP2 Health]
Rebecca Perez RN, BSN, CCM
[President - Carative Health Solutions, LLC]
Joseph A. Reblando
[Principal - Reblando Public Relations]
Mary Jayne Reedy MBA
[President - Evi-Base]
Lindsay Resnick MHA
Gloria Richardson
[Principal - Richardson & Associates]
James F. Richter
[Principal - Jericho Equity Partners LLC]
Sarah Rodehorst
[Principal Consultant-Rodehorst Solutions]
SJ Ross
Elan Rubinstein PharmD
[Principal - EB Rubinstein Associates]
Dylan Rupe
[Principal - Evergreen Healthcare Advisors, LLC]
Michael H. Samuelson
[President - Samuelson Health and Wellness Solutions]
Rick Schooler FACHE, MBA
[Managing Principal]
Greg Setter
[Elevation Marketing’s Director of Client Strategy+Research]
Subodh Sheth
[President - H C Consultants]
Eric Smith
[Principal - Colorado Health Brokers]
Cheryl Stacey RN
[President - Cheryl Stacey and Associates]
Neil Steffens
Sidney Stolz
[President - Stolz Advisors]
Beth Strohbusch
[Public Relations Counsel]
Lisa Swenson
[President - Evolved Healthcare Strategies, LLC]
Barbara Tabor
[Principal - Tabor PR]
Ryan Tarzy
[Managing Director - Health2X]
Bradley Towle MBA
[President - BET Healthcare Consulting]
Teresa M. Treiger RN-C, MA, CCM, CCP, CPUR
[Founder and President - Ascent Care Management]
Robert L. Trinka
[President - Healthcare Risk Partners, Inc.]
Arthur Vera
[Principal - HCSTRATEGY]
Joanne Volovar
[President - MVL:Management Visions Limited]
Julie Wallace
[President & Founder - DataVance Group, LLC]
Geoff Walton
[Principal - OptimizeVBC]
Scott Weiner
[President - Quadralytics]
Bil Westerfield
[President - Magpie Health Analytics]
David J. Wierz
[Senior Principal - The OCI Group, LLC]
Elizabeth Wallace Woodcock MBA, FACMPE, CPC
[Speaker, Consultant, and Author - Woodcock & Associates]
Scott Woods
[Principal - Harpeth Hills Insurance]
Art Wrightson
[President - Sorsee Consulting]
Scott Young
[Founder - Young & Associates, LLC]
Anne Zieger
[CEO - Zieger Healthcare Communications]
Lisa Behnke MD
[Chief Medical Officer - Asserta Health]
Fikry W. Isaac MD, MPH, F
[CEO - WellWorld Consulting]
Bernard J. Mansheim MD
J. Marc Overhage MD, PhD
[Co-founder & Strategic Advisor - TriAxia Health]
Russell D. Robbins MD, MBA
[CEO - Russell D. Robbins, MD]
Adam Orsborn PharmD
[Pharmacist | Partner - Veldt Community]
Patrick J. Counihan
[President - PJC Healthcare Solutions]
Julie Devine
Daniel Dunlop DO
[Business Development Consultant - Empower Health LLC]
Patrick C. Guiney
[Principal - CorMED Health Partners,]
Todd Hill
Jeffrey Hogan
[Principal - Upside Health Advisors]
Cameron D. Jacox
[CEO - Rocket Digital Health]
Michael Pace
[CEO - PalmHealthCo]
Karen Swim
[Consultant - Words For Hire]
Paul Argay
[President - Paul Argay Consulting]
Jack Bruner
[Partner - Bruner Associates, LLC]
Lena Cheng MD
[Managing Director - Best Friend Jack]
Andy Floyd
[Principal - Lyn Health]
Barbara Grundy Evans
Darren Hay
[VP Business Development | Medioh Global Healthcare - Hypertec Group]
Bryan Hebert
[Principal - Vantage Health Solutions]
David Moon
[Chief Marketing Officer - Axiom Consulting Partners LLC]
Michael Pane
[Chief Operating and Growth Officer- Cratsley Pane Agency LLC]
Prevost Partners
[Chief Marketing Officer]
Leslie Rose
[Healthcare Public Affairs Consultant]
Liz Selvig
Sherri Tetachuk
[Executive Vice President - DialysisIQ]
Veda Collmer
[Healthcare Attorney]
Anthony J. Dennis
[Experienced Corporate & Healthcare Counsel]
Charles K. Kerby III
[Attorney - Liberté Group LLC]
Lynn Muller RN, BA-HCM, CCM, JD
[Partner - Muller and Muller]
Kaushee Ganeshan
[CEO - Health AI Insights]
Bryan Matsuura
[Principal - BCM Consulting Services, LLP]
Manish Sharma
[Founder Editor - HCITExpert Blog]
Kriste Goad
[Chief Fire Starter - Fuoco Consulting]
Erik Milster
[Founder - SeriesM PR]
Kim Bellard
[Editor - TinctureHealth]
Bernadette Benta RN, MSHCA
Gaston Bernstein
[Managing Principal Consultant - AmberStone Health Solutions]
Mark Brohan
[Vice President of Research - Vertical Web Media]
Richard Dixon
[Principal - Dixon Associates, LLC]
Susan Hunt
[Founder & Managing Member - The HEB Group]
Bill Lenihan
[Healthcare Industry Advisor- GLG (Gerson Lehrman Group)]
Scott Matthews
[Keen Health]
John Reinking
[Greenkey Resources]
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