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Aetna CVS Health
Company Website:
Company Hierarchy
Subsidiary(s)/ Affiliate(s)

Business Focus:
Health Insurance Plan (HIP)
HIP: Consumer-Directed Health Plan (CDHP)
HIP: Fee-For-Service (FFS)
HIP: Heatlh Savings Account (HSA - CDHP)
HIP: Medicare Advantage Plan
HIP: Point-of-Service (POS)
HIP: Preferred Provider Organization (PPO)
HIP: Administrative Services Business
HIP: Medicaid Health Plan
HIP: Specialty - Behavioral Health
HIP: Individual Market
Software as a Service (SaaS)
Wellness Program Design/Development
Stock Ticker:
Company Description:
Aetna is one of the nation’s leading diversified health care benefits companies, serving approximately 35.9 million people with information and resources to help them make better informed decisions about their health care. Aetna offers a broad range of traditional and consumer-directed health insurance products and related services, including medical, pharmacy, dental, behavioral health, group life and disability plans, and medical management capabilities. Our customers include employer groups, individuals, college students, part-time and hourly workers, health plans and government-sponsored plans.
Company Ownership:

Aetna Company Names “Aetna” is the brand name for products and services provided by one or more of the Aetna group of subsidiary companies.

Company Contacts:
Media Contact(s)
Cathy Campbell
[Vice President, Communications (Coventry)]
Mike Freeman
[Associate Vice President of Investor Relations and Corporate Communications (Coventry)]
Jill Griffiths
[Vice President, Business Communications]
Fred Laberge
[Assistant Vice President of Corporate Relations]
Tammy Arnold
[Media Manager]
Kathleen Biesecker
[Director of Communications]
Trasee Carr
[Communications Director]
Walt Chernaik
Samantha Coppola
[Project Coordinator]
Melanie Fahrner
[Director, Communications (Coventry)]
Amy Gretz
[Director - Product Development (Coventry)]
Deborah Hoyt
[Director, Public Relations & Responsibility]
Kathy Hyde
[Communications Director]
Vicky Lee
[Media Contact]
Marcia Noyes
[Director - Public Relations (iTriage | Healthagen)]
Tukisha T. Oden
[Communications Director (Coventry)]
Sherry Sanderford
[Communications Director]
Ethan Slavin
[Director, Public Relations]
Shelley Wedergren
[Director, Communications and Public Relations (Coventry)]
Katherine Lee Balsamo
Shelly Bendit
[Media Contact]
Suzy Buglewicz
[Public Relations Manager (iTriage | Healthagen)]
Christine Erb
[Media Relation Manager]
Caryn Marshall
[Media Contact]
Susan Millerick
[Media Relations Manager]
Linda Hanson
Investor Relations Contact(s)
Drew Asher
[Senior Vice President, Corporate Finance (Coventry)]
David Entrekin
[Vice President, Investor Relations]

Company Officials:
Joseph P. Anderson
[Chairman & Chief Executive Officer (Schaller Anderson)]
Alan Buerger
[CEO of Coventry First (Coventry)]
Jeff Cook
[CEO - Texas Health Aetna]
Peter Hudson MD
[Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer (iTriage | Healthagen)]
Allen F. Wise
[Chairman and Chief Executive Officer (Coventry)]
John W. Rowe MD
[Executive Chairman]
Dale Crandall
[Board Director (Coventry)]
Roger N. Farah
[Board Member]
Ronald A. Williams
[Board Director (Since 2002)]
Tracy Baker
[President of Arkansas, Louisiana, North Carolina, South Carolina and Tennessee Regions]
Amie Benedict
[President - Diversified Commercial Solutions]
Bill Berenson
[Market President]
Mark Bertolini
[Former Chief Executive Officer and President (Aetna)]
Jim Bostian
[President of Operations in North Carolina, South Carolina and Tennessee]
Brad Clothier
[President for Kansas and Missouri Operations]
Giselle Cushing
[President - Southeast Region]
Tom Dameron
[President of Aetna's Mountain States]
Emily Defrances
[Communications Business Partner]
Richard di Benedetto
[President of Aetna International]
Peg Haennicke
[Head of Aetna Disability and Absence Management Services]
Tom Kelly
[Head of Aetna Medicaid]
Jay W. Krueger
[Head of Strategic Planning and Geographic Development]
Rich Lee
[President for Southern California]
Kyle McDonald
[West Region President]
Thomas P. McDonough
[President (Coventry)]
Angie Meoli
[President of Operations in Georgia, Louisiana, Alabama and Mississippi]
Mike Nelson
[Market President of South Texas]
Steve Nelson
Felicia F. Norwood
[Mid America Region President]
Sandip Patel
[Head of International Business]
Susan M. Peters
[President, Aetna Government Health Plans]
Karen S. Rohan
Mark Santos
[President - Medicaid]
Mark Schmidt
Frank L. Ulibarri
[Market President in Georgia]
Henry Wei
[Presidential Innovation Fellows Program]
Richard Weiss
[President - Florida Market]
Frank Cobbin
[Senior Vice President of Service Operations]
Matt Cowley MPH
[VP and Chief Operating Officer - Medicaid]
Alec Cunningham
[EVP and Chief Operating Officer]
Shelly Ferensic
[Vice President Operations]
Grace Figueredo
[Chief Diversity and Inclusion Officer]
Kristie Foust
[Director of Operations]
Beth Himes
[Regional Manager]
Thomas Jones III
[Chief Ethics and Compliance Officer]
Thomas L. Kelly
[President, Chief Operating Officer (Schaller Anderson)]
John Loxterman
[Chief Compliance Officer]
Jennifer Truscott
[SVP - Cross-Enterprise Strategic Innovation]
Elizabeth Vetter
[Vice President]
Diana Lynn Cokingtin MD
[VP, Corporate Medical Director (Coventry)]
William Gillis PsyD
[Head of Behavioral Health Program Design and Product Support]
Anne Kaeser
[Senior Medical Director]
Kevin Kearns MD
[Former Executive Medical Director (Coventry)]
Ali Khan MD, MPP, FACP
[Medicare Chief Medical Officer]
[Chief Medical Officer]
Patricia P. Mueller MD
[Chief Medical Officer (Coventry)]
Terence Offenberger
[Deputy Chief Medical Officer - Medicare]
Harold Paz M.D., M.S.
[Executive Vice President and Chief Medical Officer]
Mark Rubino
[Chief Pharmacy Officer]
Wendy Shanahan-Richards MD, MBA
[Chief Medical Officer]
Henry Weil
[Senior Medical Director]
Alonzo White MD, MBA, FCCP, CPE
[Chief Medical Officer]
Joseph Agostini MD
[Medical Director]
Joanne Armstrong MD
[Vice President - Women's Health and Genomics]
Alena Baquet-Simpson MD
[Executive Medical Director - Medicare]
Melissa Bean DO, MPH, MBA
[Medical Director (Coventry)]
Kyra Bobinet MD, MPH
[Former Medical Director of Health and Wellness Innovation]
Adam Breinig DO, FAAFP
[Medical Director - Team Lead Southeast Division (FL/KY/LA/WV) Aetna Medicaid]
Shawn Burke RPh, FAMCP
[Regional Vice President of Pharmaceutical Services (Coventry)]
Dexter Campinha-Bacote MD
[Medical Director for the North Central Region]
James Coates MD
[Senior Medical Director]
Gabriela Cora MD
[Medical Director - Behavioral Health]
Joseph Dougherty
[Medical Director Northeast Region]
Ren Elder
[Head of Pharmacy]
Richard Fornadel
[Medical Director]
William Fried MD
[Medical Director, Mid-Atlantic Region]
Mark Friedlander MD, MBA
[Chief Medical Officer of Aetna Behavioral Health]
Jim Giardina
[Medicare Rx Account Manager]
Terry Golash
[Senior Medical Director]
Anthony Grieco MD, MBA, CPE
[Senior Medical Director, Aetna - Southeast Region]
James Hailey
[Chief Pharmacy Officer and SVP Pharmacy Services (Coventry)]
Deborah Hall-Turner
[Deputy Chief Psychiatric Officer]
L'Tonya Horace
[Clinical Pharmacy Director]
Leah Jacobson MD
[Senior Medical Director]
Susan Kosman RN, BSN, MS
[Chief Nursing Officer]
James Krominga
[Senior Medical Director, Southwest Market]
Mark Libertin
[Medical Director, National Medical Policy]
Rodney McKinney DO
[Medical Director Leader - Southeast Region]
Anand Nilakantan DO, MBA
[Medical Director - Aetna Mid-America Region]
Augustine Osagie MD
[Senior Medical Director]
Andrew Picken
[Medical Director - Medical Policy Operations]
Jordan Pritzker MD, MBA
[Medical Director]
Elizabeth Raitz-Cowboy
[Medical Director]
Krystal Revai
[Medical Director]
Steven Serra
[Senior Medical Director]
Roomana Sheikh
[Medical Director and Child And Adolescent Psychiatrist]
Maria Sipala
[Head of Clinical and Cancer Quality Initiatives]
Grant Tarbox
[Medical Director]
Jeffrey T. Taylor RPh
[Pharmacy Director]
Harry Travis
[Specialty Pharmacy Director]
Hyong Un MD
[National Medical Director]
Mitzi Wasik PharmD, BCPS
[Lead Business Strategy Consultant]
Scott Wolf
[Northeast Region Medical Director]
Yi Zheng PharmD, MBA
[Chief Pharmacy Officer]
Brian J. Britt
[CFO - Medicare Programs (Coventry)]
David Buda
Christopher Campbell
[CFO - Small Group & Individual]
Liz Hood
[CFO of the Joint Ventures]
Rodney Kunkel
[Head Actuary, Medicare Advantage]
Glenda Oakley
[Regional CFO]
Rajan Parmeswar
[Controller And Chief Accounting Officer]
Alfred Quirk
John Joseph Ruhlmann
[Senior Vice President and Corporate Controller (Coventry)]
Patrick Scullion
[Chief Financial Officer (Coventry)]
Firdaus Bhathena
[Chief Digital Officer]
Joseph C. Black
[Chief Procurement Officer]
Dan Conroy
[Head of Business Development - CarePass Platform]
Gavin Dean
[Head of Strategy - Direct To Consumer Businesses]
Robin Downey
[Vice President and Head of Product Development]
Gus Giraldo
[Senior Vice President - Individual and Family Plans]
Molly Goins-Cox
[Head of Individual Consumer Experience]
Sarah Landeck
[Chief Strategy Officer]
London Lomax
[Chief Strategic Advisor - Office of The President]
Keva Rogers
[Chief Business Officer - Central Region]
Steve Schaper
[SVP - Commercial and Specialty Markets]
Mark Stiglitz
[Chief Medicare Officer]
Michael Bucci
[Market Head, Public & Labor Sector]
David Edelman
[Chief Marketing Officer]
Shelley Faber
[Head of Marketing Strategy - Retail and Affinity Groups]
Deborah Gough
[ (Coventry)]
Gannon Jones
[Chief Marketing Officer]
Meg McCabe
[Head of Marketing and Engagement Strategy]
Cory Scott
[Market Head of Sales & Service]
Jill Serin
[Head of Middle Market]
Melanie Herring
[Executive Director - Compliance]
Charles H. Klippel
[Senior Vice President and Deputy General Counsel - Health]
Alicia Palmer
[Senior Attorney (Coventry)]
Jonathan Weinberg
[SVP, Deputy General Counsel (Coventry)]
Paulo Matos
[Executive Director - Member Engagement]
Frank McCauley
[Senior Vice President of Local Employers & Consumers]
James McGarry
[Senior Vice President - Member Relations (Coventry)]
Angela Shomper
[ (Coventry)]
Andrew Allocco
[Senior Vice President - Network and Provider Services]
Eileen Auen
[Head of Health Care Delivery, Medical Management, and Geographic Development]
Michael Avotins
[Regional VP - Central Region]
Martha Carlson
[Chief Network and Operations Officer]
Erin Cornell PhD, MPH
[Director - Strategic Planning]
Elizabeth Curran
[National Network Strategy Director]
Kevin Davis
[Vice President, Network Management (Coventry)]
Mohamed Diab MBA
[Vice President - Provider Transformation]
Nancy Garrett PhD
[Executive Director of Provider Transformation]
Susan Graves
[Director of National Provider Network]
Sue Hall
[Chief Network & Operations Officer - Great Lakes Markets]
Cathy Hughes
[Chief Network and Operations Officer]
William C. Lamoreaux
[SVP - Network Strategy and Provider Experience]
Chad Morrison
[Director of Strategy & Operations - Accountable Care Solutions]
Andy Richard
[Vice President - Provider Networks]
Jennifer Vance
[Executive Director - Medicaid Network Management]
Russell Workman
[Director - Claims Experience & Provider Relations]
Jay Atkin
[Vice President - Medicaid IT Delivery]
Kathe Fox
[Head of Informatics]
Dan Greden
[Head, eHealth Product Management]
Meg McCarthy
[Executive Vice President, Chief Information Officer]
James Routh
[Chief Information Security Officer]
Kim Williams
[Chief Information Officer (Coventry)]
Tom Young
[Chief Privacy Officer]
Karen Barton
[Clinical Program Consultant]
Jaymie Billbrough
[Head - Medicare Compliance]
Jean LaTorre
[Chief Investment Officer and Chief Enterprise Risk Officer]
Maureen MacCoy RN, MBA
[Head - Medicare Care Management Operations]
Lorie Ogbar
[Chief of Staff, Human Resources]
Janet M. Stallmeyer MSN, RN
[Senior Vice President, Central Region - Aetna Medicaid]
Mary Claire Bonner
[SVP, Small and Middle Market Business]
Reid Buerger
[Executive Vice President (Coventry)]
Sheryl Burke
[Senior Vice President of Corporate Social Responsibility]
Robert Butler
[President PayFlex, Head of Aetna Consumer Financial Solutions]
Michele Butman
[Senior Vice President of Aetna New York and New Jersey]
Lauren Casalveri
[VP and Chief Medicare Officer in New York]
Robert A. Cascarano
[Market Head - Public and Labor]
Wei-tih Cheng
[Senior Vice President and CIO]
Paul Coppola
[Head of Wellness Program Strategy and Development]
Michael T. Crane
[Senior Executive (Coventry)]
Angelica Cuellar Hardin MBA
[Chief Duals Officer]
Gary Culp
[West Region General Manager For Aetna's Consumer Segment]
Robert Downs
[Senior Vice President Provider Relationships and Network]
Edward Steven Doyle
[Senior Vice President of Emerging Businesses and Strategic Initiatives]
Dan Dyer
[Chief Medicare Officer - New England]
Simon Erritt
[Senior Executive (Coventry)]
Deanna Fidler
[Senior Vice President and Head of Human Resources]
Bradley Fischer
[President Dental, Vision, & Voluntary]
Mark Fisher
[Regional Vice President - West Region]
Cynthia Follmer
[Region Head, Medicare]
James K. Foreman
[Former EVP and Head of National Businesses]
Rick Frommeyer
[SVP - Aetna Group Retiree Solutions]
Janet Grant
[Head - Great Plains Region at Aetna Medicaid]
Ana Gupte
[Managing Director]
Sana Hashmi
[Executive Director]
Jeff Hermosillo
[California Market President]
Angelique Hughes MA
[Chief Duals Officer]
Colby Jackson
[Account Executive]
Bill Jetter
[President - Medicare Transition Services]
Ted Koutsoubas
[Chief Strategy Officer - Medicaid]
Candida Krebs
[Senior Business Consultant]
Retired Brigadier General Michael J. Kussman MD
[Military Health Care Advisory Committee Member]
Belinda Lang
[Head of Brand and Consumer Marketing]
Dijuana K. Lewis
[Executive Vice President for Consumer Products and Enterprise Marketing Organization]
Jennifer McDonald
[Senior Clinical Pharmacy Director]
Erin Murphy
[Executive Director - Medicare Advantage Product Strategy]
Louise Murphy
[President, Aetna Behavioral Health]
Maureen Pero Dowd
[National Strategy and Growth Executive - Medicaid]
Corey Pleasants
[Division Chief of Staff, Medicaid Strategy and Performance]
David Queller
[President - Southeast Region]
Remy Richman
[Executive Director for Aetna in Southeast and Northeast Pennsylvania]
Mary Rossetti
[Senior User Experience Researcher]
Thomas Sabatino
[Executive Vice President and General Counsel]
Anand A. Shukla MBA
[SVP - Individual Markets]
Melissa Slade
[Senior Director of Marketing]
Gretchen Spann
[Pet Insurance Head]
Michael Taday PharmD, MBA
[Senior Vice President - Service Operations]
Erich Twachtman
[Vice President, Head of Commercial Regions]
Elease Wright
[SVP and Head of Human Resources]
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Company News/Coverage:
InStride Health Partners with Aetna, Expanding Access to Specialty Mental Healthcare for Children and Families
CVS Health, Aetna grant $750,000 to organizations improving health outcomes in Illinois
Aetna Adds Spanish Language Capabilities for Health App to Better Serve Diverse Populations
Aetna introduces SimplePay Health
Aetna recommended for new D-SNP contract by the State of Michigan
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