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CenterWell Announces Plans to Open 23 Senior Primary Care Centers at Walmart Locations in Florida, Georgia, Missouri and Texas

Source CenterWell Senior Primary Care, wholly owned subsidiary of Humana Inc.
Published Date 7/24/2024

View the entire CenterWell Senior Primary Care, wholly owned subsidiary of Humana Inc. article
Featured Companies
CenterWell Senior Primary Care, wholly owned subsidiary of Humana Inc.
Louisville, KY

Company Representatives Featured
Renee Buckingham
[President at Care Delivery Organization]
Humana Inc.
Brian Setzer
[Chief Financial Officer - Health & Wellness]
Walmart | Wal-Mart Stores, Inc.
Sanjay Shetty MD, MBA
CenterWell Senior Primary Care, wholly owned subsidiary of Humana Inc.
Mark Taylor
[Director - Corporate & Financial Communications]
Humana Inc.
Cary Willis
[Communications Lead]
Humana Inc.
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