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Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield Certified by J.D. Power for Providing Outstanding Customer Service for Phone Support to Charter Communications

Source Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield in Georgia | Blue Cross Blue Shield of Georgia (BCBSGA)
Published Date 7/30/2024

View the entire Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield in Georgia | Blue Cross Blue Shield of Georgia (BCBSGA) article
Featured Companies
Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield in Georgia | Blue Cross Blue Shield of Georgia (BCBSGA)
Atlanta, GA

Company Representatives Featured
Robert Bunch
Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield in Georgia | Blue Cross Blue Shield of Georgia (BCBSGA)
Kersha Cartwright
[Director of Public Relations]
Elevance Health
Tricia Fringer
[SVP of Anthem National Accounts]
Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield
Maureen McQueen
[COO - Health Benefits Organization]
Elevance Health
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